Kota Bukit Indah develop by two developers, i.e. PT Besland Pertiwi and PT Indotaisei Indah Development. PT Besland Pertiwi concentrates on rental of Standard Factory Buildings, while PT Indotaisei Indah Development concentrates on selling the industrial land.
The other companies that have related with Kota Bukit Indah are as follows:
PT. Bukit Indah Tirta Alam
Produce and distribute industrial water, also treat the waste water into environmental standard
PT. Tatajabar Sejahtera
Manage electricity supply in Kota Bukit Indah
PT Bukit Indah Mandiri Abadi
Property owner of the hotel
Besides developing the above companies, Kota Bukit Indah also maintains its relation with following institution in developing Kota Bukit Indah Industrial City.
Taisei Corporation
The partner of Kota Bukit Indah in developing Indotaisei Indah Development - Industrial Park.
Indonesia Investment Coordination Board (BKPM)
An Investment service agency of the Indonesia Government created with the purpose to effectively implement the enactment of law on investment.
HKI : Indonesian Industrial Estate Association
An association among industrial estate in Indonesia. This association has become government counterpart in developing industrial estate industry in Indonesia